Tuesday, July 14, 2009

International Stardom

My Croatian friend, Maja, was watching Croatian TV the other day when she saw a piece about Semester at Sea. Then I appeared, which explains why there were random camera men taking pictures of me on the pool deck while in Dubrovnik (I must have been the only one working that day). Ironically, Dubrovnik proved to be the least culturally interactive for a good number of the students. So much so that after our first night in port, one bar--called, "EastWest"--left a sign on their door stating, "No Americans." I'm told that, in addition to breaking glasses and vomiting on the dance floor, women in heels had been dancing on the leather furniture, leaving holes in the expensive fabric. In the photograph, I'm revising my next exams.


  1. What? Why are you the only one working? Why aren't you breaking things and vomiting?

  2. I'm saving the vomiting for my return trip through the Atlantic!
