Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

More interesting than the tour guide were these two kids biking through the empty streets on Sunday afternoon. One of the more peaceful tours in all the voyage.

Markets in Marrakech

I didn't buy the hat despite insistence.

Inside the Alexandria Library

Much bigger than Alderman...(but not necessarily better).

Market Goods, Alexandria

Watching the Whirling Dervish on the Nile

Six Million Dollar Library in Alexandria

From the outside.


One of my favorite travel companions, Peggy has been known to leave bags of chocolate, peanut butter and Bulgarian marmalade on my doorknob. In return, I have ventured out into the filthy Alexandria streets to buy her gum and English language newspapers. Here, peggy is outside of one of the palaces in Alexandria.

Looking Back

On the trip across the Atlantic and reflecting on the last eight countries visited. Some students have been clamoring to turn in final papers while others have been striving for their final tans on deck seven. Internet bandwidth is at a minimum, but in the next few days, I will try to post some more on Egypt and my final photos on Morocco and the return.